PGI India announces new roles to drive the growing demand for platinum

PGI India will also look at expanding regional footprint by opening an office in Delhi to tap into the potential of a very strong jewellery market and strengthen the regional offices in Chennai and Mumbai.

Post By : IJ News Service On 21 May 2015 4:37 PM
Addressing the distinguished guests and precious luminaries at the {{38th Annual Awards}} Function, hosted by{{ Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) }}on October 11, 2011 at Pandit Dinadayal Upadhyay Indoor Stadium in Surat, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Gujarat,{{ Narendra Modi}}, the Chief Guest for the occasion, acclaimed the role of the Gem & Jewellery Industry in the progress of India and pledged support for the betterment of the trade in Gujarat.%% The event also witnessed the presence of Chairman of GJEPC –{{ Rajiv Jain}}, Vice Chairman – {{Sanjay Kothari}}, Award Convener –{{ Kanubhai Shah }}and a large number of dignitaries from the industry.%% While speaking at the occasion, Modi said, “It is a privilege to be here among this august gathering. Guajrat, as we all know has established itself as the centre of trade in the country with registered GDP growth rate of over 10%, which was the highest growth rate among all the states in India. With special regards to the Gem & Jewellery Industry, Surat, in particular is the leading manufacturing centre for one of the largest segments of this industry- Diamonds. It is a matter of pride for me to be amongst such immense talent, and as always the State of Gujarat pledges to support for the betterment of this industry. I thank GJEPC for having taken this initiative that not only promotes talent but also a much needed competitive need in the industry that drives everyone towards excellence.” %% Congratulating the Export Aces and wishing them a brighter future, Modi urged the industry to think beyond manufacturing towards owning the source of rough. Citing the example of the flourishing coal industry of Gujarat, Modi said, “The manufacturing of diamonds is big business, but I now wish that you all move up to the second level of mining the raw materials. Every time the trade is worried about the procurement of raw materials and afraid of related policy changes in the mining country or in our own country. A jump is required, where the traders should concentrate on how to own the very source of production.”%% He also stressed on the importance of value addition to an existing product and skill up-gradation and development. He advised the younger generation to get involved in jewellery production, as the export of finished jewellery from India continues to be very low.%% Rajiv Jain, Chairman GJEPC, in his welcome speech expressed his gratitude to Modi for accepting the invitation for the event. Talking about the Council he said, “The GJEPC has an undeniable contribution to the growth of the Indian economy. With total export figures of around US$ 43 billion we are furthering the cause of making India the global leader in the gem & jewellery sector and creating BRAND India. These awards are an endeavour to acknowledge the winners who led the growth that we do proudly announce today and set their efforts as an example in front of the industry for the rest to emulate & imbibe.” %% Jain in his speech also mentioned the requirement of a fully functional airport in Surat and connectivity across India. %% At the Annual Awards besides recognizing the efforts of the Exporters, the Council also awarded the Importers from across the globe, the Banks financing the G&J industry and Students from various G&J institutes.%% On the whole, besides applauding the excellence and meritorious performances of the exporters, brands and companies alike the evening celebrated the growth and unity of the industry and concluded with a vote of thanks by Kanubhai B.Shah.%%

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