
A Peek Into What a Jeweller's Day Looks Like -A Day in the Life of a Jeweller

From strict morning routines that keeps them going for the rest of the day, taking quick cat naps to ensure the evenings are energetic to handling staff problems and client requirements, this is how a day in the life of these jewellers looks like,
observes Vijetha Rangabashyam

Post By : IJ News Service On 30 April 2021 3:57 PM

Never doubt a customer’s intention to buy’ Pratap Kamath – Abaran Timeless, Bengaluru

Most important morning ritual to ensure optimum productivity:
I rise early say by 5.45 am. Going to the gym for a cardio session helps me
throughout the day. It keeps me in good spirits.

Morning meetings:
I go to work by 9.30 am. With the entire team, we do breathing exercise to clear the air and mind. We have a quality policy which we repeat together, to ensure that whatever we do the rest of the day, we do it together. We discuss an incident that might have happened the previous day.

Breaks or no breaks?
I need a nap in the afternoon for 45 min and I work till 9 in the evenings, if I don’t take my afternoon nap, I don’t feel energized the rest of the day. Evenings are the time I need to be very productive.

When an employee slips up?
I am a very hands on person – if something goes wrong, I am mostly able to visually identify the same. I make a note of the errors that I observe. So after the interaction with the customers, which I see on the shop floor or via CCTV, I understand what exactly has happened and I explain to them the right thing that needs to be done. We explain to the staff to what went wrong and what corrective action needs to be taken. We site this as an example in the next day’s meeting, not to humiliate the person, but as a preventive measure and understand what went wrong and how to remedy it if the same thing happened again.

Secret to being a successful jeweller:
Doing ordinary things in an extraordinary manner to enhance customer delight is important. For instance, wear gloves while serving water, stand while they finish drinking water, immediately clear the glasses, etc. Now this is an extremely ordinary task, but if it is done with genuine care and display of hospitality it makes a customer feel nice. I always brief my staff about showing a genuine interest in client needs. Display of enthusiasm is a must.

Calling it a day :
I go through the reports – especially every customer who walks out without a purchase – I try to understand why they have done so.


Sometimes clients walk in with different purposes – window shopping or to compare prices, or they want to buy something for a wedding, in which case the whole buying may not happen at once but over a few sittings. So we treat every customer as a potential buyer. We pay total attention to every customer. Never doubt a customer’s intention to buy – from the time he walks in till the time he or she walks out, treat every customer with the same attention they deserve.

‘Clients need to be attended to with a rhythm. The tempo should not be hindered’ Viraj Sheth – Batukbhai Sons Jewellers, Nagpur

Most important morning ritual to
ensure optimum productivity : Amazing workout – so that I am ready to face the challenges the day may bring. The more energetic your morning the more productive your day is going to be.

Morning meetings :
I get to work at around 10.30 am. We have new staff coming in, old staff going out – it is an ongoing process; so our meetings are generic in nature so that everyone feels involved in the meeting – we talk to them about being calm and cool throughout the day and how they should be polite towards customers and we give them the confidence, so that they are able to handle customers on their own. We tell them that every customer is important. If there are any hiccups we are of course there. They also are enthusiastic, early in the morning. We see to it that there is only motivation in these meetings, and no pressure.

Breaks or no breaks?
There are no breaks, the only break one is allowed are loo breaks. Clients need to be attended to with a rhythm. The tempo should not be hindered, so we cannot take breaks. If there is a little gap available till the next client walks in, I can grab a quick bite, have some tea or simply splash water on my face to rejuvenate so that when the client is in the store, I can give my full attention to him/her.

When an employee slips up?
If it is in relation to handling a customer, then we ask the staff to step aside and allow a more experienced staff to take over. We don’t reprimand staff in front of customers. For all you know, the staff member may not be having a bad day – so we talk it out and discuss the matter openly. We try to understand their side of the case. Everyone can’t be at their peak performance every single day. If there was a genuine mistake – we encourage them to do what is right – and advise them on what they need to do the next time.

Secret to being a successful jeweller :
You learn from your mistakes. When you commit them, they give you an opportunity to learn. For example in a show, I buy some pieces instinctively– I don’t hold myself back. But sometimes these products don’t get sold at all and sometimes they become the hottest selling items. So it’s the buying decision that matters. Without going ahead with the decision, I would not know what sells and what doesn’t with the ultimate consumer.

Calling it a day :
I try to go over how the day was and see what could have been done better. We tally accounts and sales on a weekly basis. We evaluate each week’s performance


You should communicate with clients like you would with a good friend – develop a neat rapport. So they feel like buying more. Often we know our clients and we know their taste – so after a while, suddenly, one piece of jewellery comes to my mind and I show it to her and she immediately buys it. One needs to be very attentive to the clients’ needs and one has to have sharp focus. Also, I believe in not letting the selection stretch over a long time – then the deal goes haywire.


I make a schedule that allows for short breaks to maintain optimum efficiency’ Suraj Shantakumar - Kirtilals, Coimbatore

Most important morning ritual to ensure optimum productivity:
I meditate daily and plan my schedule for the day.

Morning meetings:
The team has a morning huddle, they discuss key priorities for the day, operational points that they need to address during the day. What they need to do during the day, what kinds of customers may walk in and what are the products each one of them will be showing.

Breaks or no breaks?
I make a schedule that allows for short breaks to maintain optimum efficiency level during the day. It is important to maintain energy levels, it always helps.

When an employee slips up?
This depends on what the issue is – if it’s a big issue then it has to be handled in a stern way, if small, we ensure that they get counselling. Mistakes are part and parcel of work.

Calling it a day :
At the end of each day, showroom inventory needs to be tallied. We review the day quickly and look at what’s in store for the next day.


“A perfect balance of food, rest and sleep is essential” Ketan Choksi - Narayan Jewellers, Vadodara

Most important morning ritual to ensure optimum productivity :
I begin my day with exercise, which keeps me positive and energetic
through the day.

Morning meetings:
My morning meetings are with accounts teams. And sales and administrative meetings are in the evening. My mantra is to have clients satisfied and ensure a good conversion rate. If a client is not satisfied, we try to analyse why. We have a system where we talk to clients during their anniversaries or birthdays. So I follow up with the sales personnel whether what they spoke to clients.

Breaks or no breaks?
I am very busy on some days and sometimes the appointments get stretched for hours – we can’t take any time out during such meetings

Secret to being a successful jeweller :
A perfect balance of food, rest and sleep are essential. I have a very disciplined life. I do a lot of pooja or meditation a lot and that keeps me focused and productive during the day.

“When an employee walks in with an issue, I first give them a chocolate” Saket Keshri– Ratnalaya Jewellers, Patna

Most important morning ritual to ensure optimum productivity :
Our day begins by 10 am and everyone is in by 11 am. We clean the store—take out the stock and once the store is ready – we start with gayatri mantra and a three word affirmation-based prayer with three (3- 2 1  claps. And we share some fun facts about the G & J industry. So, it builds general knowledge.

Morning meetings:
We begin with a thought for the day in a five-minute meeting and have a two-minute discussion – wherein our employees bring an important fact to notice with the store manager, who then addresses the matter. We have a fun zone, where the HR team paints the thought for the day – the bulletin board carries these thoughts for the day along with employee events, pictures, etc.

Breaks or no breaks?
I generally come by 11.30 am, so I am fresh and exuberant throughout the day. I just sit and breathe deeply for two-three minutes, usually that refreshes me. If the stress level is higher, then I quickly call a good friend or a vendor or someone with whom I don’t discuss business – this usually helps in de-stressing the mind.

When an employee slips up?
We have a hierarchy we follow – HR sorts out the matter. If the problem persists, the store manager intervenes. I am not involved in micro management – if an employee comes to me – I listen to their POV and then hear the management’s POV.

Secret to being a successful jeweller:
Ambition, passion and vision. Vision helps in making goals – short term and long term. You need to work hard to get ahead of the competition. You need to be consistent and passionate about your work.

Calling it a day:
We go over the day and I try to discuss with the team about their achievements and where they need to improve. We have an informal chat.

One day an employee had a problem with HR and the store manager. We work 7 days a week and we have weekly offs on rotation for all the employees. We don’t allow them to adjust their leaves. So she misunderstood that someone else was adjusting his weekly off and that we were favouring him. So the first thing I did when she walked in agitatedly, I gave her a chocolate then I spoke to her and explained how our system works in the best interest of employees instead of working against them. I want to make each one use their time in the store most productively. So this
system has been devised with that purpose in mind. I never take sides, I take a neutral stand. I explain the whole situation without any bias.


“I try to motivate people around me with a positive attitude” Gaurav Gaur – Pandit Jewellers, UP

Most important morning ritual to ensure optimum productivity :           

I take a brisk walk almost everyday and meditate for 15 min. By 11 am I reach office.

Morning meetings :
Revolves around staff behaviour and customer satisfaction

Breaks or no breaks?
I don’t need any breaks during the day. I usually take a small tea or coffee break if it is needed.

When an employee slips up?
We understand his or her POV and make the person understand how Pundit Jewellers operates and the values we stand for. We allow them correct themselves and usually we have seen a positive change in their behaviour.

Calling it a day :
Mostly all customers have given us good reviews and are happy with our staff.

Secret to being a successful jeweller :
I try to keep a good attitude and keep the morale high with clients and staff. I try to motivate people around me with a positive attitude. I conduct my business with transparency and keep a clear conscience.

‘When I workout, my head is clear and I get the best ideas’ Ankit Doshi – Bharti Jewellers, Mumbai

Most important morning ritual to ensure optimum productivity :
I begin my day with an hour of workout. It is the me time I get where
I am able to think of ideas because my mind is very clear.

Morning meetings :
I go to office at 10.30 am. We discuss customer preferences and go over
the inventory every 3-4 days.

Breaks or no breaks?
I don’t really get the time to breaks on a working day!

When an employee slips up?
This depends on how severe the mistake is – we make the staff members understand what went wrong and how they can improve themselves. We give everyone a chance to improve themselves and correct their behaviour.

Calling it a day :
All customers’ reviews are revisited. I make sure what clients prefer and what they really like

Secret to being a successful jeweller :
Being in touch with clients and having a good rapport with them. We make
new designs based on their feedback. We want to keep our customers happy – only that matters.





‘We instill the feeling of ownership among our employees and they feel committed to do the work’ Sudeep & Neha Sethi, Zevar by Sethis, Indore

Most important morning ritual to ensure optimum productivity:
I go for a walk and play badminton, which keeps me active throughout the day. Thereafter I have a sumptuous breakfast with my family – this meal is nearly like a brunch, so I often skip lunch during a busy day. I visit the temple and offer my prayers – it brings calmness.

Morning meetings:
I reach office by 10.30 am. My team arrives before and starts preparing the worksheets and schedule for the day. First half an hour we have a discussion about pending orders, any customer query that needs to be addressed etc. Neha Sethi, my wife primarily looks after the retail segment and I shuttle between our manufacturing office and retail store. Our store opens earlier than the office. After ashort visit to the store, I go to the office. There too I discuss every matter with my uncle, Yogendra Sethi and my staff
– concerning merchandising, designing, software, inventory, etc.

Breaks or no breaks?
I enjoy my work, so I don’t need any break throughout day. I have no time for breaks as well. I can work constantly for hours together.

When an employee slips up?
Generally, I work very amicably with my employees as well. We instill the feeling of ownership among our employees and they feel committed to do the work. Even a peon who works for us may be at least 15 years in service. We are blessed to have a great team. I delegate a lot of work and assign duties to the next in command. I always create a next line of command.

Secret to being a successful jeweller:
Pay full attention to the client. No client should ever be dissatisfied. Customer satisfaction and exquisite product range is important for success. We always work towards making both of these a reality.

Calling it a day:
We always try to find out the reasons why some clients walked away without buying  anything – and whether we could have done anything different to convert them into real customers. We often review our inventory to find out which items are fast selling, which may take a while to sell and why. How we can sell the slow moving items better? We put those items on promotional offer or even at times bundle it with our best selling items, it works well. We also address delays that may be occurring at the manufacturing end and think of ways to speed up matters on that front.


We make it a point to keep ourselves updated with latest trends in attire and accessories so that we can offer our clients the very best. So after a short discussion we are able to gauge why the client is visiting the store – whether she has come to simply look through the products offered for sale, or really buy something, or she is a first time client or a regular customer. Our staff is well trained in dealing with all kinds of clients. We give a lot of importance to what the client wants. We show her the products she wishes to see and often even convert a buyer who has come to merely browse through our stock into a customer. We have nearly 85 percent conversion rate in our store. If this rate falls due to any reason, we immediately look for lacunae in the working, inventory or any other area and resolve it.


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