Malabar Gold plans jewellery facility in Mumbai

The proposed facility is expected to be operational in the next financial year.

Post By : IJ News Service On 16 November 2015 10:33 AM
He is a perfectionist, an innovator, and a true trailblazer. With no educational background in jewellery design but with an immaculately trained eye and sheer diversity in application of gemstones, he has changed the face of the game. He is not only a jewellery designer but also a true Avant Gardiste who has invented two most prolific diamond cuts. The exemplary jewellery designer that we are talking about is Nirav Modi.%% Modi’s designs are sold, appreciated and applauded at the prestigious Sotheby’s and Christie’s. His works of art bejewel the most refined jewellery boxes of the world’s elite. He is a designer who elevates jewellery making to a new level of artistic imagination while giving it a twist by fusing Indian and western sensibilities into a alluring aesthetic. His repertoire is vast, ranging from the Fluire Collection that is inspired by nature and the Sheherezade Collection that owes its existence to the storyteller of 1001 Arabian Nights to the Sunburst Collection paying homage to the Art Deco movement and the truly innovative Gold Elastic Bangles that came after watching his daughters play with their plastic bangles. His imagination is never at rest and nothing ceases to inspire him.%% “You cannot seek beauty in one place, thing or person; inspiration to me has come from so many sources and sometimes in the most unexpected of places,” is Modi’s quick response when quizzed about his inspirations. One look at his design that defies customary approaches proves the point. %% Modi was born in a diamond family in Belgium. His father deals in rough diamonds. The genetic allure to the carbon beauty and the upbringing around the shimmering stone piqued his interest in jewels. But asks when he actually transpired this fascination into a profession, he tells, “Dinner talk was so often about rare and important diamonds that I don’t really remember when my interest was piqued and fascination with the rarest and finest jewels began. I was mesmerised by the idea of collectors who would look only for the most exquisite. By the time I was ready to start working, most diamond terminology was second nature to me. I never specifically planned to be in the diamond business, it was just a natural progression.”%%
He enrolled at Wharton to major in Finance and Japanese language but discontinued after about a year to start working at Gitanjali Jewels in Mumbai, which is where his real education began. “I realise now what a privilege it was to have had the opportunity to experience different parts of a business whether it was diamond grading, jewellery design, retail, marketing and management,” reminisces the pacesetter. %% But, the one thing that laid {{the foundation stone of ‘Nirav Modi’ the brand was the mentoring he received by his uncle and Gitanjali’s head, Mehul Choksi.}} “We would work six and half days a week with only half of Sundays off and his passion and commitment towards every aspect of the business would never waver. His vigour and work ethic made a huge impression on me early in my career,” he says.%% Modi’s onset of the journey into the jewellery design segment is as interesting as his designs are. It was by chance that he stumbled upon jewellery design and the rest as they say is history. By giving in to his friend’s persuasion and coaxing to take up a pair of earrings design and execution, there was no looking back for Modi after seeing the delight of his friends at his flair of fine jewellery making. %% “A few years ago, a friend of mine asked me to make a pair of earrings. At first I refused; I dealt mainly in diamonds and was not accustomed to making fine jewellery, that too for a friend. After a few requests, I reluctantly agreed and oversaw the whole process of sourcing the best quality diamonds, refining the design until it was just right and, of course, crafting the earrings. It took longer than expected as I simply refused to cut corners; in fact, when I didn’t find a pair of polished diamonds on the market that matched perfectly I asked my brother to source the right rough diamonds from Russia and our factory to cut and polish them.%% My friend was so elated after she received the earrings that I got calls and messages from her for the next few days. She told me this was something she had wanted for years and it made her feel appreciated. Her husband even told me that after their home, this was the most important purchase they had made,” reminisce Modi, adding, “I remember reading somewhere that the power of art, especially literature, lies in its ability to create a connection between an author’s imagination and your own. That day I felt a similar connection – one of my creations had captivated someone else, my quest for beauty and perfection had delighted another. The whole experience unleashed a latent passion in me. I knew I wanted to create the most precious jewellery, the kind that every woman deserves and can pass on to her daughter or daughter-in-law.” %% Every true artiste is dispirited in the beginning when he wants to stretch the set boundaries of art. Modi faced this too, when he thought of going out-of-the-box and create some fascinatingly new diamond cuts. “The most difficult aspect of the jewellery creation process is changing mindsets. For example, when I first proposed the Ainra CutTM and Endless CutTM, which create diamonds that replace and conceal the metal traditionally used in jewellery, everyone said it couldn’t be done. I wanted to create jewels with minimal metal, where the lustre of the diamonds would be undisturbed. I kept pushing and we now have two unique patented diamond cuts. I do not have any formal training in jewellery and in many ways that has helped me. I am freed from the trap of following a norm and have developed a somewhat unconventional approach,” he shares.%%
The hallmark of his design is the spotlight on jewels, especially the diamonds. With minimum metal usage, his designs are perpetually starring the jewels. It is no surprise that his favorite material to work with is diamonds. “They are tantalizing: rare and difficult to tame yet lustrous. For me a diamond is the perfect complement to a woman’s beauty,” he articulates.%% There is no dearth of accolades and achievements in this maestro’s life. But one of the most important moments of pride was when his Golconda Lotus Necklace was selected by Christie’s to be on the cover of their catalogue. The piece was under works and Christie’s had only seen a work-in-progress version but couldn’t resist asking Modi if they could have it for the next auction.%% Also, most recently, he sold a necklace at Sotheby’s. It took over two years to source the finest diamonds and to create the necklace that weighs an auspicious total of 88.88 carats, a figure that signifies wealth and prosperity in Chinese culture. This necklace has a centre stone of 6.19 carat and graduating to 1.25 carat, each diamond has been certified with the highest grades conferred to diamonds: D colour, internally flawless clarity and excellent cut, polish and symmetry. Even further, the 36 main diamonds are Type IIA quality. It is noteworthy to mention that only two per cent of diamonds worldwide are deemed to be Type IIA.%% Apart from the exquisite designs that steal the show, another feather in the hat of his repertoire is the traditional craftsmanship that refines each diamond and gemstone to the highest standards. Indian craftsman and artisans has been the secret lethal weapon commanding India’s leadership in the global gem and jewellery industry. But, there are only handfuls of Indian luxury jewellery brands that have made the international mark like Nirav Modi. “I was enthralled by the centuries of the craftsmanship in India and I cultivated a deep appreciation for fine, hand-crafted products during my summer visits to India as a child. The artistry that flourished during the Mughal era seems lost. There was a longing in me to match the splendour and grandeur of those bygone days,” he states.%%
Ask him about the present trend in the international jewellery segment and pat comes the reply, “Discerning clients internationally are seeking fancy-coloured diamonds as they make a statement and are a great investment. A lot of our fancy coloured diamond pieces have been well received at Christie’s and Sotheby’s.”%% With a horde of delightful work delivered and much more on its way, it is difficult to manage one’s personal life and space but Nirav Modi with his planning and focus manages both very well. “If I am not working, I am either spending time with my wife and children or reading,” he says.%% “My advice for young talent in any field would be to chase a vision, not necessarily a career path, and to fully immerse yourself in as many experiences as possible. I did not plan to be in diamond industry even though I was surrounded by it throughout my life and even when I had entered the industry, I had not thought of starting a high-end jewellery line. I had, however, always relentlessly pursued perfection and had the drive to continue learning; at the same time, I also had the good fortune to start working at Gitanjali Jewels and to be exposed to all aspects of a business,” he concludes.%%
He is a perfectionist, an innovator, and a true trailblazer. With no educational background in jewellery design but with an immaculately trained eye and sheer diversity in application of gemstones, he has changed the face of the game. He is not only a jewellery designer but also a true Avant Gardiste who has invented two most prolific diamond cuts. The exemplary jewellery designer that we are talking about is Nirav Modi.%% Modi’s designs are sold, appreciated and applauded at the prestigious Sotheby’s and Christie’s. His works of art bejewel the most refined jewellery boxes of the world’s elite. He is a designer who elevates jewellery making to a new level of artistic imagination while giving it a twist by fusing Indian and western sensibilities into a alluring aesthetic. His repertoire is vast, ranging from the Fluire Collection that is inspired by nature and the Sheherezade Collection that owes its existence to the storyteller of 1001 Arabian Nights to the Sunburst Collection paying homage to the Art Deco movement and the truly innovative Gold Elastic Bangles that came after watching his daughters play with their plastic bangles. His imagination is never at rest and nothing ceases to inspire him.%% “You cannot seek beauty in one place, thing or person; inspiration to me has come from so many sources and sometimes in the most unexpected of places,” is Modi’s quick response when quizzed about his inspirations. One look at his design that defies customary approaches proves the point. %% Modi was born in a diamond family in Belgium. His father deals in rough diamonds. The genetic allure to the carbon beauty and the upbringing around the shimmering stone piqued his interest in jewels. But asks when he actually transpired this fascination into a profession, he tells, “Dinner talk was so often about rare and important diamonds that I don’t really remember when my interest was piqued and fascination with the rarest and finest jewels began. I was mesmerised by the idea of collectors who would look only for the most exquisite. By the time I was ready to start working, most diamond terminology was second nature to me. I never specifically planned to be in the diamond business, it was just a natural progression.”%%
He enrolled at Wharton to major in Finance and Japanese language but discontinued after about a year to start working at Gitanjali Jewels in Mumbai, which is where his real education began. “I realise now what a privilege it was to have had the opportunity to experience different parts of a business whether it was diamond grading, jewellery design, retail, marketing and management,” reminisces the pacesetter. %% But, the one thing that laid {{the foundation stone of ‘Nirav Modi’ the brand was the mentoring he received by his uncle and Gitanjali’s head, Mehul Choksi.}} “We would work six and half days a week with only half of Sundays off and his passion and commitment towards every aspect of the business would never waver. His vigour and work ethic made a huge impression on me early in my career,” he says.%% Modi’s onset of the journey into the jewellery design segment is as interesting as his designs are. It was by chance that he stumbled upon jewellery design and the rest as they say is history. By giving in to his friend’s persuasion and coaxing to take up a pair of earrings design and execution, there was no looking back for Modi after seeing the delight of his friends at his flair of fine jewellery making. %% “A few years ago, a friend of mine asked me to make a pair of earrings. At first I refused; I dealt mainly in diamonds and was not accustomed to making fine jewellery, that too for a friend. After a few requests, I reluctantly agreed and oversaw the whole process of sourcing the best quality diamonds, refining the design until it was just right and, of course, crafting the earrings. It took longer than expected as I simply refused to cut corners; in fact, when I didn’t find a pair of polished diamonds on the market that matched perfectly I asked my brother to source the right rough diamonds from Russia and our factory to cut and polish them.%% My friend was so elated after she received the earrings that I got calls and messages from her for the next few days. She told me this was something she had wanted for years and it made her feel appreciated. Her husband even told me that after their home, this was the most important purchase they had made,” reminisce Modi, adding, “I remember reading somewhere that the power of art, especially literature, lies in its ability to create a connection between an author’s imagination and your own. That day I felt a similar connection – one of my creations had captivated someone else, my quest for beauty and perfection had delighted another. The whole experience unleashed a latent passion in me. I knew I wanted to create the most precious jewellery, the kind that every woman deserves and can pass on to her daughter or daughter-in-law.” %% Every true artiste is dispirited in the beginning when he wants to stretch the set boundaries of art. Modi faced this too, when he thought of going out-of-the-box and create some fascinatingly new diamond cuts. “The most difficult aspect of the jewellery creation process is changing mindsets. For example, when I first proposed the Ainra CutTM and Endless CutTM, which create diamonds that replace and conceal the metal traditionally used in jewellery, everyone said it couldn’t be done. I wanted to create jewels with minimal metal, where the lustre of the diamonds would be undisturbed. I kept pushing and we now have two unique patented diamond cuts. I do not have any formal training in jewellery and in many ways that has helped me. I am freed from the trap of following a norm and have developed a somewhat unconventional approach,” he shares.%%
The hallmark of his design is the spotlight on jewels, especially the diamonds. With minimum metal usage, his designs are perpetually starring the jewels. It is no surprise that his favorite material to work with is diamonds. “They are tantalizing: rare and difficult to tame yet lustrous. For me a diamond is the perfect complement to a woman’s beauty,” he articulates.%% There is no dearth of accolades and achievements in this maestro’s life. But one of the most important moments of pride was when his Golconda Lotus Necklace was selected by Christie’s to be on the cover of their catalogue. The piece was under works and Christie’s had only seen a work-in-progress version but couldn’t resist asking Modi if they could have it for the next auction.%% Also, most recently, he sold a necklace at Sotheby’s. It took over two years to source the finest diamonds and to create the necklace that weighs an auspicious total of 88.88 carats, a figure that signifies wealth and prosperity in Chinese culture. This necklace has a centre stone of 6.19 carat and graduating to 1.25 carat, each diamond has been certified with the highest grades conferred to diamonds: D colour, internally flawless clarity and excellent cut, polish and symmetry. Even further, the 36 main diamonds are Type IIA quality. It is noteworthy to mention that only two per cent of diamonds worldwide are deemed to be Type IIA.%% Apart from the exquisite designs that steal the show, another feather in the hat of his repertoire is the traditional craftsmanship that refines each diamond and gemstone to the highest standards. Indian craftsman and artisans has been the secret lethal weapon commanding India’s leadership in the global gem and jewellery industry. But, there are only handfuls of Indian luxury jewellery brands that have made the international mark like Nirav Modi. “I was enthralled by the centuries of the craftsmanship in India and I cultivated a deep appreciation for fine, hand-crafted products during my summer visits to India as a child. The artistry that flourished during the Mughal era seems lost. There was a longing in me to match the splendour and grandeur of those bygone days,” he states.%%
Ask him about the present trend in the international jewellery segment and pat comes the reply, “Discerning clients internationally are seeking fancy-coloured diamonds as they make a statement and are a great investment. A lot of our fancy coloured diamond pieces have been well received at Christie’s and Sotheby’s.”%% With a horde of delightful work delivered and much more on its way, it is difficult to manage one’s personal life and space but Nirav Modi with his planning and focus manages both very well. “If I am not working, I am either spending time with my wife and children or reading,” he says.%% “My advice for young talent in any field would be to chase a vision, not necessarily a career path, and to fully immerse yourself in as many experiences as possible. I did not plan to be in diamond industry even though I was surrounded by it throughout my life and even when I had entered the industry, I had not thought of starting a high-end jewellery line. I had, however, always relentlessly pursued perfection and had the drive to continue learning; at the same time, I also had the good fortune to start working at Gitanjali Jewels and to be exposed to all aspects of a business,” he concludes.%%
He is a perfectionist, an innovator, and a true trailblazer. With no educational background in jewellery design but with an immaculately trained eye and sheer diversity in application of gemstones, he has changed the face of the game. He is not only a jewellery designer but also a true Avant Gardiste who has invented two most prolific diamond cuts. The exemplary jewellery designer that we are talking about is Nirav Modi.%% Modi’s designs are sold, appreciated and applauded at the prestigious Sotheby’s and Christie’s. His works of art bejewel the most refined jewellery boxes of the world’s elite. He is a designer who elevates jewellery making to a new level of artistic imagination while giving it a twist by fusing Indian and western sensibilities into a alluring aesthetic. His repertoire is vast, ranging from the Fluire Collection that is inspired by nature and the Sheherezade Collection that owes its existence to the storyteller of 1001 Arabian Nights to the Sunburst Collection paying homage to the Art Deco movement and the truly innovative Gold Elastic Bangles that came after watching his daughters play with their plastic bangles. His imagination is never at rest and nothing ceases to inspire him.%% “You cannot seek beauty in one place, thing or person; inspiration to me has come from so many sources and sometimes in the most unexpected of places,” is Modi’s quick response when quizzed about his inspirations. One look at his design that defies customary approaches proves the point. %% Modi was born in a diamond family in Belgium. His father deals in rough diamonds. The genetic allure to the carbon beauty and the upbringing around the shimmering stone piqued his interest in jewels. But asks when he actually transpired this fascination into a profession, he tells, “Dinner talk was so often about rare and important diamonds that I don’t really remember when my interest was piqued and fascination with the rarest and finest jewels began. I was mesmerised by the idea of collectors who would look only for the most exquisite. By the time I was ready to start working, most diamond terminology was second nature to me. I never specifically planned to be in the diamond business, it was just a natural progression.”%%
He enrolled at Wharton to major in Finance and Japanese language but discontinued after about a year to start working at Gitanjali Jewels in Mumbai, which is where his real education began. “I realise now what a privilege it was to have had the opportunity to experience different parts of a business whether it was diamond grading, jewellery design, retail, marketing and management,” reminisces the pacesetter. %% But, the one thing that laid {{the foundation stone of ‘Nirav Modi’ the brand was the mentoring he received by his uncle and Gitanjali’s head, Mehul Choksi.}} “We would work six and half days a week with only half of Sundays off and his passion and commitment towards every aspect of the business would never waver. His vigour and work ethic made a huge impression on me early in my career,” he says.%% Modi’s onset of the journey into the jewellery design segment is as interesting as his designs are. It was by chance that he stumbled upon jewellery design and the rest as they say is history. By giving in to his friend’s persuasion and coaxing to take up a pair of earrings design and execution, there was no looking back for Modi after seeing the delight of his friends at his flair of fine jewellery making. %% “A few years ago, a friend of mine asked me to make a pair of earrings. At first I refused; I dealt mainly in diamonds and was not accustomed to making fine jewellery, that too for a friend. After a few requests, I reluctantly agreed and oversaw the whole process of sourcing the best quality diamonds, refining the design until it was just right and, of course, crafting the earrings. It took longer than expected as I simply refused to cut corners; in fact, when I didn’t find a pair of polished diamonds on the market that matched perfectly I asked my brother to source the right rough diamonds from Russia and our factory to cut and polish them.%% My friend was so elated after she received the earrings that I got calls and messages from her for the next few days. She told me this was something she had wanted for years and it made her feel appreciated. Her husband even told me that after their home, this was the most important purchase they had made,” reminisce Modi, adding, “I remember reading somewhere that the power of art, especially literature, lies in its ability to create a connection between an author’s imagination and your own. That day I felt a similar connection – one of my creations had captivated someone else, my quest for beauty and perfection had delighted another. The whole experience unleashed a latent passion in me. I knew I wanted to create the most precious jewellery, the kind that every woman deserves and can pass on to her daughter or daughter-in-law.” %% Every true artiste is dispirited in the beginning when he wants to stretch the set boundaries of art. Modi faced this too, when he thought of going out-of-the-box and create some fascinatingly new diamond cuts. “The most difficult aspect of the jewellery creation process is changing mindsets. For example, when I first proposed the Ainra CutTM and Endless CutTM, which create diamonds that replace and conceal the metal traditionally used in jewellery, everyone said it couldn’t be done. I wanted to create jewels with minimal metal, where the lustre of the diamonds would be undisturbed. I kept pushing and we now have two unique patented diamond cuts. I do not have any formal training in jewellery and in many ways that has helped me. I am freed from the trap of following a norm and have developed a somewhat unconventional approach,” he shares.%%
The hallmark of his design is the spotlight on jewels, especially the diamonds. With minimum metal usage, his designs are perpetually starring the jewels. It is no surprise that his favorite material to work with is diamonds. “They are tantalizing: rare and difficult to tame yet lustrous. For me a diamond is the perfect complement to a woman’s beauty,” he articulates.%% There is no dearth of accolades and achievements in this maestro’s life. But one of the most important moments of pride was when his Golconda Lotus Necklace was selected by Christie’s to be on the cover of their catalogue. The piece was under works and Christie’s had only seen a work-in-progress version but couldn’t resist asking Modi if they could have it for the next auction.%% Also, most recently, he sold a necklace at Sotheby’s. It took over two years to source the finest diamonds and to create the necklace that weighs an auspicious total of 88.88 carats, a figure that signifies wealth and prosperity in Chinese culture. This necklace has a centre stone of 6.19 carat and graduating to 1.25 carat, each diamond has been certified with the highest grades conferred to diamonds: D colour, internally flawless clarity and excellent cut, polish and symmetry. Even further, the 36 main diamonds are Type IIA quality. It is noteworthy to mention that only two per cent of diamonds worldwide are deemed to be Type IIA.%% Apart from the exquisite designs that steal the show, another feather in the hat of his repertoire is the traditional craftsmanship that refines each diamond and gemstone to the highest standards. Indian craftsman and artisans has been the secret lethal weapon commanding India’s leadership in the global gem and jewellery industry. But, there are only handfuls of Indian luxury jewellery brands that have made the international mark like Nirav Modi. “I was enthralled by the centuries of the craftsmanship in India and I cultivated a deep appreciation for fine, hand-crafted products during my summer visits to India as a child. The artistry that flourished during the Mughal era seems lost. There was a longing in me to match the splendour and grandeur of those bygone days,” he states.%%
Ask him about the present trend in the international jewellery segment and pat comes the reply, “Discerning clients internationally are seeking fancy-coloured diamonds as they make a statement and are a great investment. A lot of our fancy coloured diamond pieces have been well received at Christie’s and Sotheby’s.”%% With a horde of delightful work delivered and much more on its way, it is difficult to manage one’s personal life and space but Nirav Modi with his planning and focus manages both very well. “If I am not working, I am either spending time with my wife and children or reading,” he says.%% “My advice for young talent in any field would be to chase a vision, not necessarily a career path, and to fully immerse yourself in as many experiences as possible. I did not plan to be in diamond industry even though I was surrounded by it throughout my life and even when I had entered the industry, I had not thought of starting a high-end jewellery line. I had, however, always relentlessly pursued perfection and had the drive to continue learning; at the same time, I also had the good fortune to start working at Gitanjali Jewels and to be exposed to all aspects of a business,” he concludes.%%

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