Tara Jewellers launches Facebook contest for new Akshay Tritiya collection

To mark the favourable day of Akshaya Tritiya, a special collection with a mix of heavy and light weight gold jewellery has been created and a Facebook contest launched.

Post By : IJ News Service On 03 May 2011 11:30 AM
{{The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC)}} of India has announced the next of this biennial conference event on April 26 & 27, 2007, to be held in Mumbai, India. %% Over the last five years, India has emerged as one of the most dynamic centres in the gems and jewellery industry worldwide. An acknowledged leader for the cutting and polishing of diamonds, it is also one of the primary centres for the manufacture of colored gemstones and a rapidly advancing one for all types of precious metal jewellery..
Progress Despite Odds:
In spite of adverse conditions witnessed by the business worldwide in the last few years, India has kept up its performance on all fronts in the gems and jewellery sector. The centre registered an overall growth of 6.57 per cent over the previous year. Total exports of gems and jewellery from India in 2005-06 stood at US$ 16.70 billion, as against US$ 15.67 billion for the previous year. %% Cut and polished diamonds contributed the major share of this amount with an increase of 6.04 per cent, to reach US$ 11.86 billion in 2005-06 from US$ 11.18 billion in 2004-05. Gold jewellery exports registered a growth of 2.11 per cent with exports touching US$ 3.86 billion in 2005-06 as compared to US$ 3.78 billion for the previous year. Colored gemstones grew by a creditable 21.16 per cent to US$ 233.53 million as compared to US$ 192.75 million for the relevant periods.
India & China in Sharp Focus:
In the past few years the entire diamond pipeline has been going through a process of realignment and redefinition. While on the mining front new suppliers, new relationships and new equations are emerging; so far as consumer markets are concerned there is also a paradigm shift taking place with a fresh focus on the East, notably China and India.
Lingering Issues:
At the same time there are several issues which constantly face the industry; some old and some new ones too. The question of rough supply, diamond prices, and profit margins have been the topics of discussion within the diamond industry. Today there is sharp emphasis on jewellery retail and issues of consumer confidence. With the break down of the rigid compartmentalization of segments, centres and businesses, and as the world shrinks more and more, it has become imperative for all stakeholders of the industry to come together for an interchange between all concerned.
Global Perspective:
The Mines to Markets conference will therefore serve as an important international forum for all segments of the diamond business — from mines to markets – to interact, discuss and exchange views on key issues and concerns. %% As India moves from merely being a pre-eminent diamond-manufacturing centre on to becoming the global hub of gems and jewellery industry and trade, it is quite befitting that it is on the lead to host such a global conclave.

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