GJSCI's Recognition of Prior Learning(RPL)– Goldsmith, receives an overwhelming response

Felicitation of first batch in esteemed presence of Rajiv Pratap Rudy at EduJobs Academy

Post By : IJ News Service On 19 December 2016 4:12 PM

Gem & Jewellery Skill Council of India (GJSCI)’s Recognition of Prior Learning(RPL) program for goldsmiths  launched at Kolkata last month at EduJobs Academy received an overwhelming response from the Goldsmiths, where the first batch of 125 Artisans finished the RPL assessment. The certificate dissemination ceremony was held at EduJobs Academy where Guest of Honour Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Union Minister of State Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (Independent Charge), Government of India felicitated the artisans with certificates in the esteemed presence of Binit Bhatt, C.E.O, GJSCI and Prashant Pachisia- CEO, EduJobs. The event marked as yet another successful milestone of GJSCI’s relentless efforts.


GJSCI has been consistently contributing towards Hon. Prime Minister NarendraModi’s Skill India program and has been taking several measures and steps to nurture the 3.5 million skilled yet uncertified labourforce of the gems and jewellery industry. The RPL certificate will help candidates to identify their inherited skills and get certified for the same which will equip them to get better and more stable jobs and avail of entrepreneurship opportunities.Need of the hour is to bring a change in an artisan’s life to ensure that they are retained in the industry as with them will also die several Indian jewellery making styles and techniques.

The felicitation was followed by the announcement of Swarn Katha, which will publish success stories of 100s of Swarnakarigars; along with that an initiative to connect the artisans to the digital world named DigiKarigars was also launched. Theartisans will be provided with Youtube Channel for the RPL Project, alongwithEmail Accounts for all artisans, Facebook Page for the Organisation – ABSS;NDLM certification Linkage &Self-Learning Modules for artisans.

Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Union Minister of State Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India, quotes, ‘Digitalization and Skilling are the two important pillars for a brighter future of India. Today, I am glad to see that both of our visions have taken yet another step to reality with GJSCI’s RPL Programme of Goldsmiths that EduJobs Academy has executed. This will empower the artisans of Kolkata and boost entrepreneurship.’

Binit Bhatt, C.E.O, GJSCI, quoted, ‘With Gems and Jewellery Sector growing from leaps and bounds, the industry requires more skilled and expertise talent who can take the industry to the next level. Keeping this in mind, we came up with the idea of RPL program and receiving such good response from Kolkata, which is one of the largest jewellery hubs is quiet a motivation for us as a team.’

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