The collection focuses on rare pearls and precious gemstones...
The World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) Congress 2008 began today, being hosted by the state-owned Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) for the first time in the Middle East. The Congress received an enthusiastic attendance of over 200 professionals from the international jewellery trade organisation. %% The present speakers discussed the challenges faced by the jewellery industry, including corporate social responsibility and best practices across the value chain. Hanifa Mezoui of United Nations’ Department of Economic and Social Affairs and United Nations Development Programme director Cecile Molinier, were amongst the speakers present. CIBJO president Gaetano Cavalieri mentioned that the congress was a strong platform to discuss and effect harmonisation, international cooperation and consumer confidence in the jewellery industry. %% The selection of the venue as the Middle East followed the fast growing importance of Dubai as a prominent international centre for precious metals and jewellery trade. The Middle East is the world’s third largest consumer of diamond jewellery and Dubai registers the highest per capita gold purchase. %% The central theme of the conference was around the United Nations Millenium Development Goals (MDG), which is an eight-point action plan towards sustainable humanitarian development, addressing environmental sustainability and protection of labour rights in the jewellery industry.
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