Kalyan Jewellers launches three new showrooms in Mumbai while working towards their ambitious target of 100 showrooms by 2015.
Sri Lanka’s gem and jewellery exports during the first five months of 2009 showed a fall of 34 percent, as compared to exports in the same period last year. Looking at this, National Gem and Jewellery Authority (NGJA) is outlining a strategic initiative to increasing these exports to Rs.35 billion in the year. %% The economic recession had affected exports to countries like United States, Thailand, Italy, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Japan, France, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, India, Singapore and the Maldives. The NGJA considers markets like Brazil, Russia, India and China, to be those than can help expand the gem and jewellery trade, and has already made inroads into the Chinese markets. It is also preparing to participate in prominent trade shows, in Russia and India in 2010 and negotiate for a fact-finding mission to go to Brazil in 2009. %% The Sri Lanka Gem and Jewellery Association is also taking steps to promote healthy growth within the domestic industry, urging jewellers, exporters and miners to control cost, resources and spends until the markets revive. The Association is also supporting participation of the Sri Lankan gem and jewellery industry in international trade platforms, by subsidising a certain percentage of travel cost for participants and asking members of the trade to improvise in creativity to address a niche audience. %% Exports from Sri Lanka’s gem and jewellery trade have decreased by 40-45 percent to the United States, Germany and Japan, which have been the major markets for the country. The association is also planning to undertake e-marketing in gem and jewellery and to reduce the 12 percent tax on jewellery trade. It hopes platforms like FACETS Sri Lanka 2009 and LUSTRE 2009 will attract new investments.
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