BVC forges alliance with Brinks India

The joint venture will enhance the market share of door-to-door service of both BVC Group and Brinks.

Post By : IJ News Service On 20 July 2013 11:31 AM
Polished diamond import into Japan were $47.1 million, dipping by 36 percent in July, with average price decreasing by around 9 percent to of $303 per carat, reports say. Polished diamond imports by volume declined by 30 percent to 155,172 carats. %% The polished diamond imports from India dipped by 22 percent to $19.9 million, from Belgium by 49 percent to $11.6 million, and from Israel by 61 percent to $4.7 million. But imports increased from Hong Kong by 42 percent to $2.1 million, from Thailand by 21 percent to $3.1 percent, and from China by 6 percent to $1 million. %% Import of gold jewellery too decreased, slipping by 37 percent to $40.2 million in the month, while platinum jewellery declined by 7 percent to $29.6 million. Silver jewellery imports decreased by 12 percent to $15.6 million, but import of other precious metal articles increased by 52 percent to $201,000, reports say.

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