Gold prices rise beyond 27,000 mark

Demand surges from Indian jewellers and stockists

Post By : IJ News Service On 30 April 2015 6:16 PM
%% Gem & Jewellery Trade Council of India (GJTCI) held its 3rd B2B Jewellery Show Gujarat International Jewellery Show ( GIJS ) – 2011 at Gujarat University Exhibition Hall , Drive In, Ahmedabad on 15-16- 17 July 2011 with the prime objective to encourage & boost the jewellery industry and create business channels to enable smooth operation. %% " GIJS 2011 received a very warm response from across the country. 108 Exhibitors from almost all part of the country like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Rajkot, Surat, Baroda , Junagadh etc participated. And appox. 12,000 visitors from different part of Gujarat as well as other places like Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Jaipur etc. “ said Shantibhai Patel, President of GJTCI. "The magnificent event ‘GIJS-2011’ displayed the best of the best collection in Diamonds, Gold, Kundan, Pearls etc. by the renowned wholesalers and manufacturers. GIJS 2011 witnessed magnificent jewellery pieces in approx. 200 stalls this time. %% The show was inaugurated on July 15, 2011 at 10.45 am by Ms. Nirupa Bhatt- Managing Director- GIA India and Middle East in esteemed presence of Shri Jaynarayan Vyas- Honorable Minister for Health- Govt. of Gujarat. The event was also graced by the noble presence of GJF Vice Chairman Shri Hareshbhai Soni and Ex – Chairman GJF Mr. Vinod Hayagriv. %% The prime Sponsor of the show was Gemological Institute of America ( GIA ) . The co-sponsors were Jashubhai Jewellers- Ahmedabad and Heritage Pointe – Ahmedabad. GIJS-2011 was supported by Govt. of Gujarat and Industry Commisssionarate , Gandhinagar. %%
%% A grand Jewellery Fashion Show was also organized as a part of GIJS-2011 on Saturday, July 16, 2011 at the Hotel Pride where scintillating jewellery by Vajra Jewels, N.S.Jewels & M.I.Soni were displayed by renowned models of India. %% The Annual General Board of Directors Meeting of Gem & Jewellery Trade Federation (GJF) in Ahmedabad was hosted as a part of GIJS-2011. More than 100 zonal members of GJF were present.GJF Chairman Mr. Baccharaj Bamalwa graced the show with his esteemed presence. %%

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