Praveenshankar Pandya takes over as Chairperson of GJEPC; Russell Mehta as Vice Chairperson

Regional chairpersons include Ashok H. Gajera, Western Region; Dinesh R. Navadiya, Gujarat Region; Anil Sankhwal, Northern Region; Pramod Kumar Agrawal, Jaipur Region; etc.

Post By : IJ News Service On 16 October 2015 5:27 PM
Proposals by America's oldest clothing retailer Brooks Brothers and Italian jewellery major Damiani for direct investment in single-brand retail has been approved by the finance ministry. %% Also, the foreign investment promotion board (FIPB) headed by economic affairs secretary Arvind Mayaram, has approved UK-based footwear giant Pavers England's FDI proposal for single-brand retail sector. %% The foreign investment proposal by Italian jewellery brand Damiani to set up a 51:49 joint venture with Mehta's Pvt Ltd also got the government's approval. The Italian jellewer brand is said to bring in an FDI worth 35.7 lakhs. Recently, Damiani opened its first outlet in New Delhi. %% Ever since the government liberalised the FDI policy to al low 100 per cent FDI in single-brand retail in January, a large number of global retailers have expressed interest to set up stores in India. However, details about Brooks Brothers proposal were not known immediately. %%

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