KISNA Diamond and Gold Jewellery launched its first exclusive showroom in Bhopal, marking its 34th store in India. The event, graced by Ghanshyam Dholakia and Parag Shah, offers up to 100% off on diamond jewellery making charges and a chance to win a car, alongside tree plantation and food distribution drives
KISNA Diamond and Gold Jewellery marked a new milestone with the launch of its first exclusive showroom in Bhopal, expanding its presence in India to 34 locations. The grand inauguration was graced by Ghanshyam Dholakia, Founder and Managing Director of Hari Krishna Group, alongside Parag Shah, Director of KISNA Diamond & Gold Jewellery.
To celebrate this significant achievement, KISNA has rolled out attractive offers for its consumers. The brand is providing up to 100% off on diamond jewellery making charges and up to 20% off on gold jewellery making charges. These promotions aim to deliver great value to customers looking for premium diamond and gold pieces.
As part of its ongoing festivities, KISNA is also hosting a special lucky draw contest throughout September under the campaign #Abki_Baar_Aapke_Liye_Shop. Shoppers who make a purchase of Rs.20,000 or more on diamond, platinum, or solitaire jewellery, or Rs.50,000 or more on gold jewellery, will have the chance to win a car. The winners will be announced at the end of the month.
Further underscoring its dedication to corporate social responsibility, KISNA held a tree plantation drive during the launch event, demonstrating its commitment to environmental sustainability. Additionally, the brand organized a food distribution drive for underprivileged communities, reinforcing its efforts to give back to society.
This new showroom in Bhopal reflects KISNA’s growth and its focus on offering customers not only high-quality jewellery but also a positive impact on the community.
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