The new norms to become De Beers 'Sightholders' will be announced soon.
GJEPC, as the apex body in the trade, is partnering with NSDC - National Skill Development Corporation, and has been given the role of leading and conducting national selections and train the selected candidate for jewellery making skills to represent India at the World Skills Competition (WSC) in London on October 5th-8th, 2011.
India has been invited for the first time to participate by the Amsterdam-based not-for-profit organization and over 150,000 visitors are expected to attend. Plans are progressing to make this the best World Skills Competition yet.
As the event is at such a large scale, the Council aims to conduct a large scale nationwide competition on May 25, 2011, at IIGJ, Mumbai. This is the proposed date post which, training the selected candidate to medal winning standards, in skills such as - Setting, Refining, Cutting, Sawing, Filing, Drilling, Milling, Scrapping, Forming Wires, Soldering, Wire Drawing, Embossing, Polishing and Designing or any skill equivalent and related to jewellery making, will begin. The purpose of this Selection is to select one candidate (up to 22 years in 2011) to represent the Jewellery Industry India in the World Skills Competition. Each candidate will also be allowed to have a coach/guide during the event.
GJEPC takes the onus to prepare a candidate to represent India internationally by partnering with NSDC and conducting nationwide competitions and training the candidate strenuously over a period of 3 months to global winning standards, requires severe preparation and efforts. GJEPC is geared up and enthused about the simulating event and welcomes participants and sponsors for them.
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